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Yes, it’s true. Compared to our competitors, we have the most market shares in the fast-moving consumer goods in Sweden, in the premium tonic category. In three years, we have become the biggest in Sweden*. We are very proud of that. And over the last rolling full year, we’re number two in order.** Can we be the most sold in the world? It remains to be seen. Our tonic can be bought at ICA, Coop, Willys, Hemköp and Citygross in Sweden.


* Source: Nielsen ScanTrack, TOTAL FMCG, week 1-12, 2020, shares in units sold in the Premium tonic segment, The Nordic Soda Company’s segmentation has been used.
** Source: Nielsen ScanTrack, TOTAL FMCG, rolling full year week 12, 2020, shares in units sold in the Premium tonic segment, The Nordic Soda Company’s segmentation has been used.
The Nordic Soda Company
Koppargatan 18
60233, Norrköping
+46 11 496 41 50
The Nordic Soda Company
Koppargatan 18
60233, Norrköping


+46 11 496 41 50